Hot Toys Yoda by One:Six Shooter

Review: Hot Toys Yoda

I was going to try to approach this review without reverting to any Yoda-isms or Yoda-speak, but c’mon, much fun that would not be! A Hot Toys Yoda has been a long-time coming and I’m here to tell you – worth waiting for it was! Lately, there has been a greater demand for, and emphasis on, great likenesses in 1/6th …

Hot Toys Death Trooper by One:Six Shooter

Review: Hot Toys Deathtrooper Specialist

Death Trooper. Is there a more badass name for a Stormtrooper variation? Although they didn’t see much action between the opening and end scenes of Rogue One, as far as Imperial troops go, I think they stole the show (sorry Scarif Troopers). Hot Toys has released two versions of the Death Trooper; The DT Specialist and Specialist Deluxe. The only …

Behind the Scenes: “The Watchers”

With The Last Jedi coming out soon (as of this writing), I was inspired to create a scene I’d like to see in the film. The CGI work on Grand Moff Tarkin on Rogue One made me believe that Alec Guinness could be brought back as a force ghost in a very convincing way. I would love to see the …

Everyone’s a Critic – Now I am Too!

Recently, I started working as a figure reviewer and content contributor for If you are a figure collector, toy photographer or fan and you haven’t checked out Exclu yet you owe it to yourself to check out the site or better yet, download (for free!) some of the past issues of the magazine (I hear issue #2 is particularly …

It was a Very Good Star Wars Day!

You know it’s going to be a great May the Fourth when you wake up and find yourself on Truth be told, I knew my work was going to be shown, but not to what level. As it turns out, it was the lead feature for thier May the Fourth coverage on the entertainment section of thier site – …

In a Bespin State of Mind…

I recently did a 1/6 shot with Luke and Vader in the carbonite chambers of Bespin (I’ll put some BTS up about that soon). But I picked up this Bespin Lego set last week which included Han, Boba Fett and an Ugnaut. Very simple, quick set to put together and it looked so cool – especially the carbonite frozen Han …

BTS “Officer Down”

I’m loving Qmx‘s line of 1/6 Star Trek figures and when “Bones” McCoy came in I had to do a scene worthy of these nicely done figures. I’d been gathering props for something specifically Star Trek for a while and some of the best finds were plants meant for fish tanks! The exotic colors of these plastic plants suggested a …

Achievement Unlocked!

There are a lot of fun things that come along with photographing toys – the toys themselves for one! But there is a great community of supportive people in this hobby and Dale Schenck (IG: @darth_shank) is one of the best – both as a photographer and a supportive voice in the community. Dale recently had the genius idea of …

"Rescued!" by Trevor Williams/One:Six Shooter

Making of “Rescued!”

I would say my work is usually between 20-40% editing, in both Lightroom and Photoshop. There are some shots that are considerably less and some more. This is one in the “more” category. The set built for this was involved but ultimately i would need to add environments in editing to get the look I wanted for this scene. Here’s …

Exclu Design Collective featuring Trevor Williams - One:Six Shooter

An Exclusive BTS Look for Exclu

Recently, I was asked by the good people at Exclu Design Collective to do an in-depth behind the scenes look ata shoot. I had just built a set for  a Walking Dead inspired scene I had in mind so the timing was perfect. Read the whole article and watch the behind the scenes video at Exclu Collective

Workshop with Felix Hernandez

Workshop with Felix Hernandez

I had the great fortune recently to be able to attend a workshop with the amazing Felix Hernandez of Hernandez Dreamphography. If you have not seen Felix’s scale model work (or any of the other genres he does) do check it out! We got a glimpse behind the scenes of his creative process and better yet, got to setup and shoot …